Thursday, January 20, 2011

How to...

How to...

Combing Faith and Reason 
This tattoo on my wrist is a modified Sun Cross and it’s been a great source of inspiration to me. It represents the unity between faith and reason. Reason is represented by the circle, and each of the four lines extending outside the circle represent faith. The symbol visually demonstrates the unity of faith and reason by showing the independent and joint realms of each form of knowledge. Essentially, it's possible to have some knowledge which is completely exclusive to reason alone, some knowledge exclusive to faith alone, and the rest and majority would be shared between the two. I chose my wrist for this symbol so that I would always be reminded of how I come to possess my knowledge, and to remind me that every time I shake someone's hand, they too come by their knowledge in the same way. Thus, I am reminded of the connection we all share in how we come to believe what we all believe.

The reason this symbol and this clarification is pertinent to the discussion of belief is because belief is the hallmark of the law of attraction. In a three step process, it's step #2, coming after asking and before receiving. But belief itself comes in three distinct forms: that which we believe through reason alone, that through faith alone, and that which is a combination of the two. Each form is unique, but no one form is necessarily better or more preferred over the other as each is purely circumstantial. With that said, there are ways to maximize your beliefs, and in doing so, you will increase your ability to utilize the law of attraction to the fullest.

Quite simply, understanding the dynamic of the faith-reason relationship makes it much easier to manipulate their cooperation, or lack of, to your benefit. Anytime you have a belief, the more real you can make it in your mind, the more quickly it will come to fruition. If you accept a belief on faith alone, say for instance you think, I put my faith in the Universe (or whatever you want to call your Higher Power) that such and such will happen, this becomes a real belief, the Universe is acting to make that belief occur for you. But what happens when you waiver in your belief, especially if you hold it on faith alone? Well, whenever this happens, look to your reason to save you. Faith is always stronger if you have the ability to add reason. Say for instance with that same thought you also told yourself, and I know this will occur because and then insert your logical reason. Now you’ve strengthened a belief by combining It with reason (say for instance your logical reason is because it happened to me before or because it happened to my friend). The same works in reverse. If you have very good reason to believe something and it has a greater chance of occurring than not, when you add faith to the mix (putting your faith in the Universe by asking for such to be the case) you strengthen that belief. Your reason alone tells you that it should happen, but your faith solidifies it so that it will happen. And for everything else, we naturally have a tendency to combine the two forms of belief.

There’s another trick, and I have to give all of the credit here to an absolutely brilliant man and amazing motivator, a lover of the Universe and all mankind, and a truly inspirational soul—Mike Dooley. If you do not know who he is or if you are not familiar with his work, stop now and go to and sign up for his ‘Notes From the Universe,’ these are completely amazing. Mike says not to worry about the “hows.” What he means by that is whenever you find yourself worrying about “how” such and such will happen, you are slowing down, sometimes stopping, the Universe from acting in your favor. You are changing your mind about what you want. So whenever doubt enters your mind, because wondering "how" is doubting the possibility of the outcome, have faith, and I’m going to have to ask you to accept that on faith. But if you need a reason why, then use me as an example. I have faith that the Universe will provide to me all that I ask of it, in the way that I ask, and if ever I change my mind, the Universe will act to provide me the best possible outcome in any scenario. This is true because I have already seen it work in my life. This is true simply because I think it so. Mike’s mantra: “thoughts become things.” And this, dear readers, is completely true. So, anytime you find doubt in your mind, remember what George Michael said (and that’s the singer, not the Bluth).

Peace, love, and eternal happiness to you and all who come into your life. I believe you will all find amazing happiness, and I believe in you. Love AO.

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