Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How to...

The Simple Version
The only way you can begin to achieve your dreams is to be clear, crystal clear, about them. You must know, exactly, what it is you want, and you must live as if you already have it. This approach is modeled after The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, which in turn is crafted from guidelines as indicated in the New Testament. However, even prior to the arrival of The Bible, the tactics used to "attract" the life you want have been used, to immense success throughout all of human history.

Here's how to do it: to aid in visualizing your dreams, it is suggested to create some form of visual collection of your dreams, perhaps a large poster board with clippings of the things you want to have, the places you want to go, the money that will come to you, etc. Or you can instead do like I did and create a screen saver of images that shuffle while my computer sleeps. I prefer this method because I have full control of the images and I prefer them shuffled to provide variety. But I also have two additional methods I employ in conjunction. I also keep a meticulous list of exactly what I want to achieve and I check it daily to monitor my progress. I started with some small dreams that I knew I would achieve, contingent on a certain amount of time passing. But I also included some dreams still in progress that are much bigger and will take a little longer to realize. Thus far I've realized half of that list. The next thing I do is act as if I'm already living my dreams. This not only makes me happier, but it makes it clear in my mind that anything is possible. All I've done to speed up the process is "act as if." Because truly, when your dreams come true, you are happier and your attitude is shifted toward accepting what you now have. So by acting as if they've already come true, you effectively reduce the amount of time it takes for them to come true AND you are as happy as if they're true even before they have been realized. What a deal! And you know what? Your dreams have a tendency to occur much more rapidly the happier you are. So, if you employ the methods in this book successfully, your dreams will come true in no time! If you feel you are still struggling, there's much more you can do. More on that later.

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