Balance is a word you don’t want to discuss with a Libra if you are hoping to have a short conversation. You’ll hear ups, downs, and all arounds because a Libra is constantly attempting to balance everything; so instead of explaining how balance works, you’ll more than likely get a play-by-play of how said Libra is balancing things in her life at the moment.
Balance is a word you don’t want to discuss with a Libra if you are hoping to have a short conversation. You’ll hear ups, downs, and all arounds because a Libra is constantly attempting to balance everything; so instead of explaining how balance works, you’ll more than likely get a play-by-play of how said Libra is balancing things in her life at the moment.
I won’t explain how balance works, as it’s pretty
straightforward, nor will I tell you how I balance things in my life—after all,
I’ve given you 29 days of that so far! But I will tell you, as a Libra, the
necessity of balance in your life.
The most fundamental form of balance that will provide you the greatest results
is when your mind, body, and soul are balanced and are in unison. Until this
occurs, you may have mental and physical blocks, emotional blocks, and
spiritual blocks. You can’t expect a river to flow freely if it’s all dammed
up. Now, how to do this extends
beyond the scope of a daily meditation, so reference the “How to” section for
further insight.
The second source of balance you should seek in your life
is between what is within your control and what is not. I hope thus far, I’ve
broadened your horizons and demonstrated that there is much more within your
control than you possibly had thought. However, things that are out of your
control are: the reactions and emotions of others; their decisions (unless they
concern you); and the intertwined fates of others. You may have a connection
with others, but ultimately, unless there is direct overlap with you and any
other person, their lives are out of your control. Knowing this, you will be
able to attain a greater sense of harmony, and in turn, use your power to
affect that which is in your control
and that which is not. So far as that which is not in your control is
concerned, it’s a process of letting go.
The third and last source of balance that you need in
your life is juggling your daily tasks. This will be covered in detail in the
“How to” section, but briefly, it is important to understand the natures of
priority, importance, and necessity. When you organize your life based on these
principles, you will find your days and nights move more smoothly and you will
afford yourself endless opportunities to develop yourself and your gifts.
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