Monday, February 4, 2013

Day Thirty Three


Confusion is usually the difference between what we experience and what we expect. If we can learn to live without expectation, we eradicate confusion. However, when we have confusion, we can learn that it is because we have expected something else from what we have, and we can learn to let go of our need to have it. This is not to be “confused” with indecisiveness, which occurs before the fact, whereas confusion occurs after the fact. Mind you, this doesn’t all have to play out in actual time, where you are reviewing events in hindsight and are confused—it can, but it can also occur when you expect something to be the case, play it out in your mind, and you can’t seem to make happen in your mind what it is you expect. Thus, you are confused. So even in a mental state, prior to “actually” having an experience, we can be confused.

The task: let it go. Let go of expectation. Expect nothing and receive everything.


excerpt from 1,000 Days of Happy